Picnic • Launch party
With a limited budget, I was challenged to design and market launch parties for Picnic, aimed at students in Edinburgh and Nottingham. Inspired by my love of alternate reality games, I created a guerilla campaign that cost £250, and resulted in 500 signups and 350 attendees, saving the rest of the budget for the neon signs I desperately wanted to have made.
With a limited budget, I was challenged to design and market launch parties for Picnic, aimed at students in Edinburgh and Nottingham. Inspired by my love of alternate reality games, I created a guerilla campaign that cost £250, and resulted in 500 signups and 350 attendees, saving the rest of the budget for the neon signs I desperately wanted to have made.
Experiential design
Guerilla marketing
Web design
Experiential design
Guerilla marketing
Web design

The party was teased via a mysterious sticker and poster campaign across both cities. I worked directly with local student ambassadors to make sure we targeted student-heavy areas.

Scanning the QR code opened a minisite where people could sign up to attend the party. Once we’d captured their phone numbers, we could text them a link to download the app, which acted as their entry ticket.

Working in collaboration with the venue and their suppliers, I designed the event space for both parties, along with flyers, stickers and merch, as well as a video projection of 90s internet-related TV shows and adverts.